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Online Playlist DropBox FAQ

 How do I prepare DropBox media?

Create an account at Dropbox

See our full YouTube video how to create an account and create a Dropbox Console App.

Create Root Folder for media at your Dropbox account

For example, create a folder called "My music"

Create folders for your media and upload media to these album folders

Of course, you may have nested folders like a tree, for example: Genre - Author - Album ( Jazz - Joe Path - Virtuoso No 4 ).

At this stage you should create all the folders and upload all the media which you plan to listen to.

 How do I create DropBox App Console?

Create your Dropbox App Console at Dropbox(www.dropbox.com).

Click the link to get Dropbox Console App page.

See our YouTube video how to create a Dropbox Console App.

Check(tick) the options below:

Dropbox API app(big icon on the right)

My app needs access to files already on Dropbox.

My app only needs access to certain file types, like text or photos.(check Audio files MP3, MP4, WAV, WMA, Ogg Vorbis, MIDI, etc. option)

Put in Console App name(for example: my Music App)

Generate Access Token.

Write down this one, you'll use it a bit later at our site to copy and paste it.

 How do I create Online Playlist DropBox App?

Go to My App area (should be logged in to see the menu option), create your userApp and test it.

Use your Console App name and Generated token you have got while creating your Console App at Dropbox.

Click the button 'Test App', you'll see the 'Testing User App is successful.' message if it's alright, otherwise try to check the Console App name and the Generated token.

 How do I get Online Playlist DropBox media?

Go to My Media area (should be logged in to see the menu option), click 'Get Media' button. All your content which you have uploaded at your Dropbox will be uploaded. You'll see a list(tree) of folders.

 How do I create Online Playlist DropBox playlist?

Go to My Playlists area, click 'Plus square' button and generate playlists with your media.

Or create your own playlist by clicking 'Plus' button.

 How do I play Online Playlist DropBox media?

In order to play your Dropbox media(music, audio books, audio reports, any audio content) go to My Playlists area and select a playlist to be played.

To select the other playlist just click any item in the list of your generated playlists.

Listen to the selected playlist in our Dropbox player.
Choose the other playlist or several playlists at once to listen to.

To load the other playlist click on the 'Open playlist' button.
